Instructions for Use
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- Instructions for Use
Register simply and easily by clicking the “Register” button on the tope right of your screen!
Simply enter your information.
Step #1
We sent your code to your email.
Insert your email as a username and the password we sent you, press the “Log In” button to enter our online shop.
Step #2
Now you see the prices for all our products.
Step #3
Click on the “Enter Order” button and you may easily and simply enter your order at any time of the day.
Step #4
You may pay your order with your card, via bank deposit or upon reception.
Contact us via email or telephone for a better offer.
Step #5
You will receive an email with your order confirmation.
The order followed upon confirmation of your order:
- It is processed and enters the daily production line.
- Cooked – Packed – Packaged
- Delivery to you commences.
Our products are aimed at:
- grocery stores
- butcher shops
- bakeries
- sizzlers – gastropubs
- taverns
- restaurants
- hotels