Privacy Policy
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Deliblossoms as responsible for processing, maintains a record and processes personal data stated which under no circumstances include special data classes as provisioned by the European General Regulation 2016/679 for Data Protection (“General Regulation”),. The recipient of such data may be third-party partnership companies that assumed the projection or promotion of products and / or services of Deliblossoms.
During entering and processing personal data, Deliblossoms, its executives and partners comply with the provisions of the the European General Regulation 2016/679 for Data Protection (“General Regulation”) and with the existing Greek legislation about data protection and the decrees of the Protection Authority. n any case, the process is performed within the framework of choices of each customer.
Deliblossoms and its partners implement the proper technical, material and organisational security measures in order to protect personal data against casual or illegal destruction or casual loss, alteration, illegal disclosure or access (including remote access) and against all forms of illegal processing (including non-required collection or further processing). These measures ensure a security level against risks, taking into account the technological development, the implementation cost and nature, the application field, the framework and the processing scopes.
Deliblossoms and its partners maintain the confidentiality of personal data and do not disclose them in any way and to any third party without previously informing the individual, excluding cases dully provisioned by the existing legislation, such as disclosure of personal data to a competent state authority for reasons of compliance with a legal liability. Deliblossoms ensures that the individuals licensed to process personal data are bound by the same confidentiality liabilities.
Personal and confidential data is collected for specific reasons and in order to execute the transaction. They are not subject to further processing unless the individual has stated otherwise. It is stated that further processing for scientific or statistical purposes is not deemed incompatible.
Personal data is maintained for as long as the user’s account is active and not cancelled. In case of cancellation, data may be kept if there is a legal interest or liability for Deliblossoms. In this case, the keeping period may not exceed five (5) years.
Any natural person may apply to Deliblossoms for access and correction or deletion of personal and confidential data or for processing limitation, exercice of any right by the individual for opposition or for portability The application is submitted to Deliblossoms’ Open Contact Line. The application shall be processed within thirty (30) days.